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Latest /people expert opinions

Oleksandr Strozhemin

Oleksandr Strozhemin Co-founder and CEO at Trinetix

Top 3 Key Challenges of Accelerating Digital Dexterity

The advance of hybrid work models brought forward such terms as digital dexterity — i.e., employees' preparedness for mastering new technologies and using them to increase workplace productivity. According to Gartner, digitally dexterous employees can accelerate business transformation by 3.3x, which is extremely important in any increasingly digi...

/people /startups Business

Elaine Mullan

Elaine Mullan Head of Marketing and Business Development at Corlytics

From bias to buy-in: the behavioural economics advantage in RegTech sales to financial institutions

The sale of regulatory technology to financial institutions is often a long and complex process, with multiple stakeholders, as is the norm for enterprise sales. But let’s look at how the principles of behavioural economics can shine a light onto this complex sales environment and perhaps provide some pointers to ease transactions, aka make sales....

/regulation /people

Max Koretskiy

Max Koretskiy Investor, Cо-Founder at Blackshield Capital Group

The Evolution of WealthTech: Key Platforms Shaping the Future of Digital Wealth Management

Is the Market ready for Premium Digital Banking and New Technologies in the Financial Industry? With contributions from Andriy Hryshchuk, Senior Investment Analyst at Blackshield Capital About nine years ago, my partners and I attempted to digitise private banking. We began developing a digital platform for wealth management. At that time, I had o...

/people /wealth Fintech

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Digital Banking Complaints: Don't Blame Your Customers

When banking executives confront the challenges of digital transformation, a familiar frustration emerges: “Why are customers complaining about our digital services?” While some bank employees blame customers, the true issue lies in the complex and unintuitive interfaces these customers face. Common Customer Complaints About Digital Banking Apps D...

/people /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Raktim Singh

Raktim Singh Senior Industry Principal at Infosys

Neuro-symbolic AI: AI with reasoning

Neuro-symbolic AI is a unique form of artificial intelligence that combines the strengths of neural and symbolic AI architectures. This powerful AI model can model cognition, learning, and reason, effectively overcoming each of its limitations. Neuro-symbolic AI : Combining best of Neural network & Symbolic AI Neuro-symbolic AI combines the str...

/ai /people Technology for Social Good

Jose Pierre

Jose Pierre CEO at Marketware International, Inc.

The Upcoming Summer Olympics: Athletes and the Power of Leadership

As the world anticipates the upcoming Summer Olympics, the excitement isn't just about the medals or the records; it's about the remarkable athletes who embody the spirit of leadership, teamwork, and inspiration. Each athlete's journey to the Olympics is a testament to their dedication, the support of their teams, and the courage they exhibit, no ...

/people /predictions Bigger than Technology

Alex Kreger

Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA

Celebrating 8 Years as a Finextra Blogger: Thank You for This Journey of Insights and Innovations

As I mark my 8th anniversary as a blogger on Finextra, I am filled with immense gratitude and pride. It's been an incredible journey of sharing knowledge, sparking discussions, and exploring the dynamic world of banking and financial technology. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Finextra community for your unwavering support, engagement, and i...

/people /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Nick Stephens

Nick Stephens Commercial Lead & Head Of Enterprise Partnership at Amdaris

Why holding onto legacy systems can leave you with ‘technical debt’

When businesses are looking to optimise resources and cut costs, investing in new technology or upgrading their systems can seem like an expense that isn’t worth the risk. But even though a company may think it is saving money by not investing in new tools, upgrades, and digital transformation projects, the ‘technical debt’ it will accrue from hold...

/people Business

Eddie Harrison

Eddie Harrison Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Navro

Simplifying pension payments for wandering workers and roving retirees

It wasn't so long ago that people lived, worked, and died within just a few miles of where they were born. And while there are places in the world where this is still the case, the lives of people in many countries are increasingly mobile. People on the move Today, a growing number of workers seek out excitement, adventure, or better pay packets b...

/payments /people

Jose Pierre

Jose Pierre CEO at Marketware International, Inc.

Humility: The Key to Transformative Leadership

In a world where power and authority are often equated with loudness and assertiveness, the quiet strength of humility stands in stark contrast. True leadership, marked by humility, is a powerful force that transforms organizations and inspires loyalty and trust among followers. Humble leaders are quick to forgive, difficult to offend, and always ...

/people /identity Business

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