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Latest /cloud expert opinions

Steven Rackham

Steven Rackham CTO for Financial Services at NetApp

Tackling DORA is a challenge for the entire business – not just the IT team

The enforceable deadline for DORA is now under a year away and organisations in the FS sector are in a difficult position. Preparing for any change in regulation is hard enough, but with the European Banking Authority yet to publish the final technical specification or a list of critical IT providers, businesses are effectively still in the dark i...

/regulation /cloud Banking Regulations

Brad Van Leeuwen

Brad Van Leeuwen Co-founder and COO at Cledara

How will SaaS fare in 2024?

We all start the year trying to figure out the future prospects for our particular industry and I’m no exception. My industry is Software-as-a-Service, SaaS. It’s a global market that research firm Gartner reckons will reach spending levels of US$232.3bn in 2024, which compares with US$197.3bn in 2023 and US$167.3bn in 2022. Healthy figures, whic...

/cloud /startups

Santosh Radhakrishnan

Santosh Radhakrishnan Chief Commercial Officer at XYB by Monese

No 7. Choosing a New Banking Solution - All Cores Aren’t the Same

Given the number of solutions available and the cost and complexity of building one from scratch, banks would be better served by acquiring a 3rd party core banking solution. One that is proven with existing customer implementations and designed for flexibility to meet the varying requirements across different banks, geographies, customer segment...

/retail /cloud Banking

Marcus Martinez

Marcus Martinez Industry Advisor, Worldwide FSI at Microsoft

AI at the Crossroads: Navigating the New Era of Technological and Societal Transformation

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence stands as a beacon of transformative change, reshaping the fabric of how we live and work. The advent of groundbreaking technologies like ChatGPT and other advanced language models marks just the beginning of an era where AI is not just an innovation but a fundamental shift i...

/cloud /predictions Artificial Intelligence

Indra Chourasia

Indra Chourasia Industry Advisor at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Industry Cloud Platform: Fueling the vision of financial market infrastructure (FMI)-led Marketplace

Amid data led business innovation agenda dominating capital markets, financial market infrastructure (FMI) firms remain exploring strategies to transform their traditional business avatar – a standalone industry utility hosting parts of trade processing. Led by the ideas of an open and assimilative business model thriving on ecosystem harnessed ca...

/cloud /markets Trends in Financial Services

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Why ChatGPT Won't Kill Coders

In Will ChatGPT Kill Coders?, we examined many demand suppressors that threatened to kill coders' jobs. We also alluded to DEMAND STIMULANTS, which work as counterweights by boosting demand for coders. In this post, we will do a deep dive into Demand Stimulants. Comprising new computing paradigms and markets, demand stimulants not only arrest the ...


Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

New Take on Trading Technology: How to Navigate the Cloud-Tech Arms Race

We’re on the cusp of a new arms race. That is the description given to the phenomenon involving the world’s largest cloud service providers competing to invest into the largest financial exchanges. Last year, Microsoft announced an investment of £1.5 billion in London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) to provide the exchange with data analytics, cloud ...

/cloud /inclusion Capital Markets Technology

Boris Bialek

Boris Bialek Field CTO, Industry Solutions at MongoDB

Transforming Financial Institutions for Quicker Settlement Cycles

On the 28th of May, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States will implement a pivotal change in the securities trading sector: moving to a T+1 settlement cycle. This shift – reducing the settlement period from two business days after the trade date to just one – is a strategic move to mitigate market volatility a...

/regulation /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Sarah-Jayne Martin

Sarah-Jayne Martin Director, ICA Global AR Practice at Quadient

Making accounts receivable the CFOs secret weapon

All too often the finance function is seen solely as a back-end department. The role of the accounts receivable (AR) team is to process invoices – ensuring that they are paid on time and following up with customers who are late on payments. However, forward-thinking organisations and strategic CFOs are starting to realise the potential of the AR fu...

/payments /cloud Financial Transformation

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Beyond White Label Banking to Banking as a Service

White label banking is evolving from how it used to be a single-threaded product offer, to a broader and deeper banking as a service or embedded banking using modern technology. This concept of buying a set of pre-built technologies and services to enable a non-bank to provide financial products has caught the imagination of the industry for severa...

/people /cloud Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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