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Banking Architecture

A community for discussing the latest happenings in banking IT. Credit Crunch impacting Risk Systems overall, revamp of mortgage backed securities, payment transformations, include business, technology, data and systems architecture capturing IT trends, 'what to dos?' concerning design of systems.

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

RPA - The miracle solution for incumbent banks to bridge the automation gap with neo-banks?

Hypes and marketing buzz words are strongly present in the IT landscape. Often these are existing concepts, which have evolved technologically and are then renamed to a new term, as if it were a brand new technology or concept. If you want to understand and assess these new trends, it is important to reduce the concepts to their essence and compare...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are banks that run on legacy systems able to compete with their digital counterparts?

Now, more than ever, the disparity between the legacy systems still used by some traditional banks, and the newer systems used by challenger banks, is stark. It goes without saying that systems developed back in the 70’s were not designed for our modern world. Legacy systems are not adaptable. How could they be? Those who designed them had no idea...


Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Abstraction in Financial IT - How far can and should we go?

Abstraction is a fundamental concept in software engineering. An abstraction is a simplified version of something technical (with unwanted details omitted), which allows to hide away complexity via a simpler "interface" and is the main tool of a software engineer to cope with the ever-increasing complexity. Normally every programmer/user...


Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Microservices - Yet another buzzword or a real innovation for the Financial Services Industry

1. Introduction Microservices are the new hot trend in the application architecture landscape. Like SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and cloud a few years ago, "microservices" is the buzzword used by marketeers to position their solution as cutting-edge technology. The concept of microservices is however not new. Leading technology co...

/cloud /devops

Paul Shumsky

Paul Shumsky Technology Advisor at Entrepreneur

Building A Bank With Microservices

Let's begin with the most common statements on using cloud solutions for online banking platforms I frequently get from clients: Statement #1: No banks use cloud solutions! Answer: Read a bit more of example Bankinter, Stripe and Capital one (Capital One, Stripe, Bankinter) Statement#2: Cloud providers are not compliant in our area! Answer: They ...


Paul Shumsky

Paul Shumsky Technology Advisor at Entrepreneur

How To Build FinTech Apps In 2024

Banks and other early Fintech companies, which were built on legacy or some other system are quickly realizing how difficult it is to make changes to their digital services. The recent evolution of cryptocurrencies and marketplaces are putting a lot of pressure on banks and FinTech companies to up their digital game. Most of them are realizing tha...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

An Insight for Online Retail Banking & Customer Experience

With banking on the internet being around for quite some time, there is no doubt that banking has been made a lot easier and convenient for many. With more people shopping online and taking on various tasks with the use of the internet, it comes as no surprise that online banking also continues to grow and become a prosperous way of business for p...

Felix Kronabetter

Felix Kronabetter Business Development Manager at RBR

Sweden sees less cash, more problems

The members of Europe’s cash management association ESTA came together for its 35th annual conference on 19th and 20th May at Vienna’s Intercontinental Hotel with the rallying cry, “A bright future for cash!” Outgoing president Kenneth Hoegman hailed the event’s speaker roster of experts and strong support by providers in the sold out exhibition ar...

/payments /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Innovation 2.0: ATMs in the 21st Century

Innovation is reshaping global financial services. From how they are consumed, to who offers them and how they’re structured, we live at a time when new ideas and new approaches to payments and digital banking arise almost weekly. Yet, arguably the biggest innovation in the sector to date isn’t a Monzo account, a mobile contactless payment, or a Q


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Placing customer experience at the heart of innovation: the rise of the instant bank account

The majority of traditional and challenger banks in the UK are currently lagging behind customer demand for an instant account set up, and risk missing an opportunity to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Recent research (2019) conducted by Censuswide of 2,000 UK banking customers shows that 4 in 10 Brits (43 per cent) expect to be abl...


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