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Stemming the tide of Social Engineering Scams with Behavioural Insights

Fraud and cybercrime are always on the increase, evading the latest security conventions and morphing into a different approach, following the money. In the same way, banks and financial organisations worldwide need to continuously respond and adapt. Global events create new trends and directions for fraudsters to exploit and the recent Coronavirus pandemic is no different.   Social engineering fraud has gripped the industry in the last year and in particular, phone and business email scams seem to be resulting in the highest losses; indeed, according to the US Federal Trade Commission, 77% of fraud complaints reported by consumers in the US involved contact by phone.   In the UK, it is more commonly referred to as Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud, and while measures have been introduced, such as the Contingent Reimbursement Model (CRM) code and Confirmation of Payee, to protect consumers and to detect and prevent scams and illicit funds transfers, more needs to be done in the UK, and globally.   The good news is banks can access and utilise increasingly sophisticated technology and expertise to meet the fraudsters’ aptitude, analysing behaviour patterns, for example, to uncover social engineering scams. Behavioural insights can be used to inform new strategies and respond to attacks in real-time where other security controls have failed.   With large losses becoming increasingly publicised, and hence reputation brought into question, the industry must respond, and it is incumbent upon all players to collaborate and be proactive around accountability and prevention.   This research paper from Finextra, in association with BioCatch, explores the recent uptick in social engineering attacks globally, and how banks can respond using the latest technology and security measures.



From Surviving to Thriving: Digital Customer Engagement beyond Video Conferencing

During the Covid-19 pandemic, and ensuing national lockdowns, one of the key challenges for financial services professionals involved in customer or client advisory has been ensuring a smooth digital migration – and that consumers are adequately served via video conferencing solutions. Now that the industry has largely adjusted to this ‘new normal’, it is time for those across the retail, private banking, and insurance sectors to think about how to further upscale their online customer journey, client service, and Know-Your-Customer (KYC) processes, by adopting an innovative, omnichannel, digital customer engagement solution. By providing easier online access to financial guidance and advice for existing clientele, financial players assume a more customer-centric approach, which can result in improved customer retention, increased revenues, and maintenance of marketshare. Download this Finextra impact study, in association with Unblu, to learn more.



Responding to Lending Disruption

Building an ecosystem and new business models. The lending market has been ripe for disruption for some time - and now COVID-19 has exposed the laggards, brought innovators to the fore, and accelerated trends that were already in motion. The global pandemic also highlights just how important lending is – it is critical to keep the economy going - and how lenders need to be responsive in a crisis. Disrupters are making existing processes better (or revamping/replacing them altogether), creating new business models, and targeting new customer segments. In these unprecedented times, traditional lenders need to respond and future-proof their business. Maintaining the status quo is not an option. On the demand side, consumers now have higher expectations of their lenders. After months of lockdown and moving their lives online, consumers expect the same convenience from their lenders as they get with Amazon, Netflix or Zoom. The user experience should be slick, decisions quick, and delivery instant. As banks respond to the disruption in the lending market, and learn from the fintech companies that do this better, they will also have to adjust to the new normal of working remotely. All banks have had massive increases in customer queries as the effects of the pandemic have taken hold. In the UK, for example, the government introduced measures that meant individuals could take a payment holiday of up to six months on their mortgages and other personal finance products. Lenders were inundated with requests, and some found their legacy systems creaking at the seams. While some lenders have struggled, the pandemic is also providing opportunities for nimble plays. Fintech company Kabbage, for example, created a gift certificate programme to help small businesses with their cash flow to tide them over through the worst of the pandemic. Businesses can sell gift certificates through Kabbage Payments, which can be redeemed at any time, with the funds deposited in their accounts the next working day. Last year Kabbage announced a tie-up with Facebook so that businesses could get a wider audience for their certificates by listing them on the social media platform. Download your copy of this Finextra white paper, produced in association with FIS, to learn more.



The advantage of Machine Learning in preventing fraud

Accurately identifying customer behavioural trends and proactively preventing payments fraud and other criminal activity at the outset can be done with machine learning. Ingesting tens of thousands of complex signals and analysing patterns to monitor activity is more effective than blocking transactions based on hard-coded and antiquated rules. Fraudsters can learn to circumvent these, and trusted users are put at risk, which is why embedded machine learning algorithms can be valuable. Download this Finextra impact study, in association with Sift, to learn about: Payments fraud and how machine learning is being leveraged today, Account takeover fraud, the biggest future threat to banks, and Synthetic ID fraud, the next opportunity for machine learning.



Identity verification’s integral position in evolving digital transformation

Eliminating friction by enhancing onboarding processes with efficient identity verification is of paramount importance to the success of a financial institution. While data can bolster streamlined onboarding and verification, it can also support the delivery of actionable insights for the creation of personalised services. This establishes a comprehensive view of the customer, increases loyalty, boosts sales, and generates revenue. Therefore, in an increasingly competitive market, the transformation of user experience must be prioritised, and identity verification is central to that objective. Download this Finextra impact study, in association with Jumio, to learn how to: Establish a competitive edge with efficient onboarding, Reduce abandonment rates, Utilise biometrics, facial recognition, and AI, Ensure a positive, seamless user experience.



Sustainable Finance Live - Valuing Nature: Better Assessing Financial Risk

A Visual Record from the Sustainable Finance Live workshops 11 - 12 May 2021. On 11 and 12 May 2021, Finextra and ResponsibleRisk brought together sustainable finance experts to discuss how financial services firms and technology companies can achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Debunking the myth that revenue cannot be generated through trustworthy implementation of ESG measures, this programme of interactive co-creation workshops targeted a number of sub-sectors within financial services, and spoke to the specific challenges and opportunities through a lean back, lean in and learn model. The event explored how providing investors with dynamic data can help define the impact on both natural capital assets and dependencies on ecosystem services. This will be crucial for the future of our planet. In his recent HM Treasury-commissioned review, ‘The Economics of Biodiversity’, Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta stated that when considering this topic, it becomes a study in portfolio management, and we must approach it as asset managers. Today, nature is under-priced and under-valued. The best that each of us can achieve with our current portfolios will result in a collective failure. However, if biodiversity is viewed as a portfolio of natural assets, there will be increased resilience against the impact of shock. Download a Visual Record of the event below to find out more.



Five Business Benefits for Analysing and Combatting Fraud

A Finextra Research Impact Study in association with Aerospike. With increased financing options at point-of-sale, card-not-present transactions, and contactless payments, comes a resultant surge in fraudulent transactions and financial crime. This increase in digital fraud has been catalysed by the recent Covid-19 pandemic-induced shift to online banking and commerce. Now more than ever, financial institutions must implement payments authentication processes to prevent the long-term risks associated with fraud, including slimming margins and reputational damage. One way financial players can stay ahead is to analyse all available historical and real-time data, and apply artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools – which encompass a range of algorithmic approaches that derive from statistical methods such as regressions and neural networks – to decipher legitimate transactions from the illegitimate. There are, however, five further business benefits to understanding customer risk profiles. Actionable insights derived from fraud profile analysis can help banks visualise each customer, not as a collection of disassociated data points, but as a mosaic, made up of different characteristics that merge to provide a comprehensive view. This can lead to complex, holistic, and predictive analysis of customers’ behaviour – generating consistent and tailored services. Download your copy of the paper below to learn more. 



Fintech, ESG and IFCs: Embedding Sustainable Business Models

A Finextra Research Impact Study in association with Jersey Finance. While the landscape for financial services is currently being re-shaped by the twin trends of digital technology and the rapid rise of sustainable finance, leading international finance centres (IFCs), always nimble and adaptable, are seizing on the opportunities. Close analysis of these trends highlights an even more significant intersection at play with both these mega trends converging symbiotically, leading to fintech playing a part in the scaling up of sustainable finance, while the latter in turn accelerates innovation in fintech. Adoption of AI is improving the ability of financial service providers in leading jurisdictions, such as Jersey, to meet compliance needs, while also driving down process costs that might act as a barrier to sustainable finance. Equally, the growth in sustainable finance leads to greater demands for fintech solutions, adapted to the specific needs of IFCs. Evidence of these major trends and their impact on IFCs are included in the findings of this latest Finextra report, a study which Jersey Finance is pleased to support. As an IFC facilitating cross-border investment through our expertise in areas such as fund governance, fiduciary and administration for private wealth, we are focussed on enhancing our capabilities in the digital space, while sustainability is already integrated into our core offering. Furthermore, this symbiotic convergence is becoming a notable factor in firms’ service delivery within Jersey’s financial ecosystem. Firms such as Apex and IQEQ are tailoring their fund solutions to include new data-driven propositions, developing new tools that deploy the latest technologies to collect, evaluate and report ESG data. Sustainable finance solutions like this are seeing strong take-up by managers, keen to meet both the growing investor demands for transparency on the impact of their portfolios and to streamline their regulatory compliance under emerging frameworks, such as the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (SFDR). It’s clear IFCs have a vital role to play during this global transition and leading jurisdictions such as Jersey, with long standing expertise in supporting cross-border capital flows and a flourishing fintech cluster, can call upon both these strengths as we gravitate to a more sustainable future. Download your copy of the paper below to learn more.



Sustainable Finance Live - Reimagining Risk Modelling ESG Solutions

A Visual Record from the Sustainable Finance Live workshops 8-9 December 2020. Debunking the myth that revenue cannot be generated through trustworthy implementation of ESG measures, this co-creation event focused on real-time forward-looking measurement of climate change and nature loss to address transitional and physical risk, following a lean back, lean in and learn by doing model. The workshop detailed how alternative data from sources such as satellites and sensors can augment traditional risk systems and provide insights for the future of sustainable financing. Diving deep into the practical challenges of risk management, the sessions considered using alternative data to inform credit decisions, with speakers providing advice on how to embrace sustainable finance. The interactive forum welcomed a set of cross-functional skills from individuals spanning the technology, business and finance sectors. Initially taking a generalised approach to understand reporting across ESG finance sectors, it became apparent that specific use cases were needed. Richard Peers, founder of ResponsibleRisk and contributing editor for Finextra Research, outlined the key questions for the event: What are the issues and opportunities for risk management working with alternative data to inform credit decisions? How can these decisions be quantified against physical and transition risk? With a top-down approach, a clear focus of the sustainability components and trying to infer the process of assessing the following, the workshop focused on: Using alternative data to inform physical and transition risk How satellite and sensor data can provide insights for investment and governance professionals Plotting the steps to resolution of existing problems and mainstream use of data Identifying how to prevent lack of proper pricing of ESG risk   Download the full report below to find out more.



The Future of Cloud 2021

Evolving the Financial Services Industry. As consumers have come to expect the same experience of their financial services providers that they have elsewhere in their lives, traditional financial institutions (FIs) are increasingly looking for ways to improve customer service and deepen engagement. For many, optimising the digital experience for customers is a priority. From leveraging omni-channel communication strategies to creating more personalised experiences, the goal is to deliver the right message, at the right time, in the right channel. Fintech firms have been faster to innovate. Many, in fact, were created to address consumer dissatisfaction with traditional financial services providers. However, many players across the banking, payments and capital markets industries such as Barclays, Broadridge, Capgemini, Calypso, Collibra, DBS, FICO,, Global Payments, HSBC, IHS Markit, Kx, Mambu, Nasdaq, Numerix, OakNorth, Singapore Exchange, Solarisbank, Standard Chartered and Trading Technologies are increasingly turning to the cloud as a way to accelerate their digital transformation for customers. Shifting away from legacy infrastructure reduces time and resource constraints and financial institutions can innovate and respond to customer needs with the cloud. Banks, payments services providers, and capital markets firms must take advantage of the cloud’s greater elasticity, flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Download your copy of the report below to learn more. Part of the Finextra Cloud Series, in association with Amazon Web Services (AWS).



Embracing the New Paradigm of Cloud Migration to Future-Proof Payments Technologies

A Finextra Research Impact Study in Association with Global Payments and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Consumer expectations, behaviour and payment preferences are and will continue to evolve at an accelerated rate. As a result, payments processors and issuing banks must ensure they are technology-enabled and software-driven so that the financial products and services they provide are future-proofed, ready for today and tomorrow. In an attempt to keep pace with competitors, banks must recognise that collaboration between payment players and cloud service providers will help drive frictionless, more secure digital experiences for consumers. This is of paramount importance in a world where resilient commerce through contactless interactions – at scale – is key. However, some institutions are still offering traditional premise-bound services and aren’t taking advantage of the innovative technologies available in market today. In order to remain relevant, these organisations must be flexible, accelerate speed to market and provide best-in-class experiences for their customers. According to a McKinsey survey, banks that use technology to transform customer experience have increased customer satisfaction by 15 to 20%, reducing cost to serve by 20 to 40%, and boosting conversation rates and growth by 20%. From extending their footprint into new products, services and markets, to innovating and creating next generation, digital focused banking solutions, the goal for financial institutions is to meet the demands of the connected, digital world and keep pace with ever-changing consumers’ preferences. Against a backdrop of new payments startups, legacy players don’t have the benefit of starting from scratch but do have the advantage of a large customer base. While cloud technology can support digital transformation, financial institutions, retailers and new market entrants will also realise the benefits of a collaboration between the likes of Global Payments and AWS and how it will lead to more secure, reliable and innovative solutions for the payments industry at scale. Download your copy of the Impact Study below to learn more.



The Future of ESGTech 2020

Finding value in the data web of sustainable finance. While environmental, social and corporate governance considerations have always been a matter of importance for financial institutions, there is now greater scrutiny than ever of the ESG impact of assets, investments and lending. The adoption of United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 formed a framework for sustainability in the global economy, setting out aims to reduce poverty and hunger, promote good health, wellbeing and education and protect biodiversity and the climate. SDGs do however present complexities given their wide scope and the difficulties in addressing them in equal measure. Additionally, new and different public pressures can develop such that the priorities of businesses and economies are forced to pivot as the global backdrop does. It has been commonplace in recent years, for example, for the World Health Organisation to label climate change the greatest risk to human health around the world. This now seems a debatable summation given the events of 2020, and it is likely that the threat of pandemics and poor health will receive greater attention in the years ahead. The benefits for financial institutions of undertaking ESG-driven activity are well understood but remain clouded in uncertainty due to unknown risk and reward. They, therefore, need practical solutions to work to sustainable goals that can help to bring returns while also delivering positive environmental and social impact. Initiatives that enable this are emerging in the worlds of innovation and technology that harness the data that financial institutions have at their disposal to deliver additional value for clients and stay relevant in a constantly evolving space. However, there remain many unanswered questions about the standardisation of data to make it digestible for firms across the industry, how the user experience of reported data can be transformed to improve knowledge of risks and opportunities and what role technologies such as AI and blockchain can play. This report sets out to answer those questions. Finextra Research has combined opinions and commentary from sustainability experts at Citi, Standard Chartered, BNY Mellon, Moody’s, HSBC, Latham & Watkins, Tandem Bank, and BBVA with original insights and analysis to explore the tools and processes that can assist organisations in developing their ESG offering and driving growth through meeting sustainable goals in the years ahead. Download your copy of the report below now to find out more.



Securing the API Ecosystem

New and different banking models are emerging as the various influences in financial services today take hold. Change happens at a faster pace than ever, increasing in rate by the year, and this is very much part of the new operating norm. Regardless of the pressure for banks and other financial organisations to adapt, transform and carve a new identity out of an everchanging ecosystem and set of demands and requirements, there cannot be a lapse in the protection of systems, of customer and client data, and hence, trust. This is, after all, arguably the most valuable asset banks have. Security, while not of itself the driver of digital transformation strategies and dialogues, underpins each and every activity, plan and transaction an institution makes or hosts. And the direction of travel that industry transformation is taking places a lot of pressure on reconfiguring systems to be robust, because that direction is branching out into the realm of myriad other players through open banking APIs. In some regions the opening of banking services is mandated, such as in Europe with PSD2; in others, a commercially-driven approach has taken hold, such as in the US. And in others still, where mobile phones have formed the basis of modern banking, it is more an innate approach than a transition or shift, such as in Asia Pacific. APIs are nothing new in financial services, but while they have always been a back office functionality tool, they have now moved very much to the fore in being the connectors of a new, more open financial ecosystem. They have been used to connect developers to payment networks as well as to display billing details on a bank’s website. Through open banking, however, APIs are now being used to allow third parties access to certain data sets, with the requisite consents, and vice versa. They provide democratised, low fidelity, low latency ‘bridges’ between organisations to facilitate the rapid expansion of the ecosystem, competition, and hence choice and empowerment for the consumer. But with such change and opportunity also comes great risk. Download your copy of this Finextra white paper, produced in association with Equinix, to learn more.



Accelerating Enterprise-Wide Innovation with Cloud Migration and Data Governance

A Finextra Research Impact Study in Association with Collibra and Amazon Web Services (AWS). In today's environment, data is produced and consumed at a rapid pace. However, the way it is currently being stored, accessed, and processed is inefficient. Migration to the cloud promises to change this reality for financial institutions, but there are several obstacles tied to digital transformation that must be addressed in the process. The exponential increase in data generation is set to continue in the coming years, especially as the adoption of mobile technology rises. The risk and opportunity introduced by big data to the financial services industry are unparalleled. As the most data-intensive sector in the global economy, the ability of financial institutions to obtain, process, and analyse their complex data assets – structured or unstructured – is becoming fundamental to market success and remaining competitive. Moving data to the cloud with a partner such as Collibra establishes a governance foundation for banks as ungoverned data lakes can quickly become data swamps. Data intelligence vendors can provide a platform that helps banks gain a unified view of data assets to unlock their true value. These technology companies can help improve trust in data to strengthen analytics and hasten time to insight through machine learning powered features such as automatic data classification, guided stewardship, and auto-discovery functions. Cloud migration and services such as those offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) should be at the centre of banks’ digital transformation, but challenges around lack of executive alignment, technical skillsets, and data lake experience must be overcome in order to become masters of their data.  Download your copy of the Impact Study below to learn more.



Digital Transformation Accelerated

A Sibos 2020 Report produced by Finextra in association with Intel. As the global coronavirus pandemic pushed the annual Sibos event into virtual mode for the first time in 2020, it’s not surprising that everyone was keen to talk about how this has changed things in the key areas that the industry gathers to review at this time of year- technology, digitisation, innovation and the future of finance. There was broad consensus that COVID-19 has led to two years’ worth of digital transformation in just two months, as the lockdowns kicked in at the end of March. Financial institutions were affected internally, with a major emptying-out of financial centres and distribution of their IT estates amid rigorous oversight of new workflows, security practices and productivity. But they also had to react to the new expectations and behaviours of retail customers in lockdown and corporates who have themselves had to embrace remote and hybrid working for their financial and supply chain management. As the situation demanded- and continues to demand- flexibility, and economic fears push cost and efficiency to the fore, change resistors within financial services organisations, corporate customers and regulators alike have been forced to become change adopters. 2020 has been far from a positive year for many. But if financial industry and technology people are looking for a silver lining, it could be found in the results of this forced digital transformation. It will be interesting to see how much can be achieved through this accelerated change by this time next year. Download the full report below to find out more.