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AI in Banking: Are Banks Ready for the User Experience Revolution?

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The integration of AI into banking is poised to dramatically transform the industry within the next five years, driven by the breakthrough success of technologies like ChatGPT. This change is necessitated by the limitations inherent in human capabilities. As we gaze into the future, the disruptive potential of AI becomes evident, promising to revolutionize digital customer experiences and grant unprecedented capabilities to individuals.

While the full-scale implementation of AI in banking hasn't yet materialized, it's crucial to consider its future implications. The question isn't "what if" but "how" AI will impact us and "how" we can prepare for this transformation.

Big Data Getting Even Bigger

To realize AI's full potential, we must adopt a broader perspective. IBM reports that 90% of the world's data has been created in the last two years. We generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of information daily through various devices, a figure that will surge with the proliferation of IoT.

Advanced tools currently assist analysts in generating, collecting, and exchanging data, but the sheer volume makes it challenging to extract valuable insights. Today, only scientists and big tech engineers have access to sophisticated algorithms and systems capable of finding connections within limited parameters. Human perception patterns limit our ability to process such vast data.

However, AI could democratize data analysis, making it accessible to everyone, not just scientists.

The Impact of AI in Banking

Banks have amassed extensive customer data, but unlocking its full potential requires advanced technology. AI could be the key to resolving customer challenges and meeting their needs with precision. Properly harnessing this data would enable banks to offer personalized solutions at the exact moment they are needed, a task far too complex for manual processes.

The wealth of existing data is just the beginning. As digital technology advances, financial institutions and banks will gather even more data from smartphones, social networks, public services APIs, open banking APIs, and IoT devices through 5G. This data explosion necessitates a superhero-level solution to process and utilize it effectively, and AI could be that savior within the next decade.

AI's integration will enable banks to delve deeper into customers' lives, offering personalized insights and user experiences on an unprecedented scale. Currently, AI in banking is often discussed in relation to specific features, but its potential is far greater. We can anticipate AI's significant impact in many areas:

  1. Personalized Offers. AI will enhance customer credit scoring by incorporating not only banking and credit history but also social profiles and offline activities. This approach will yield tailored proposals for each customer and reduce risks for banks, ensuring the right product reaches the right person at the right time.
  2. Investment. By eliminating human irrationality, AI will analyze numerous business and market factors to predict business success, making investment decisions more reliable and informed.
  3. Security. AI will streamline verification processes, enhancing trust in digital banking by minimizing the need for constant identity confirmations.
  4. Advisory. AI will provide insights into individual customer struggles and needs by processing big data and personal profiling. These forecasts will empower customers to make better financial decisions and adopt healthier financial behaviors.
  5. Support. AI-powered bots will deliver instant, tailored solutions to users' specific problems, improving customer support significantly.
  6. Alternative Processing. AI will enable banking operations through alternative interfaces like voice, gestures, neurotechnology, VR, and AR, embedding banking solutions into various digital experiences.
  7. Fraud Detection and Prevention: AI will play a crucial role in detecting and preventing fraudulent activities by analyzing vast amounts of transaction data in real-time. It can identify unusual patterns and flag potential fraud faster and more accurately than traditional methods, protecting both banks and customers from financial losses.

  8. Customer Retention: By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, AI can predict when a customer might be at risk of leaving and trigger proactive retention strategies. This could include personalized offers, targeted communication, or customized financial advice designed to re-engage the customer and keep them loyal to the bank.

  9. Regulatory Compliance: The ever-growing complexity of financial regulations requires banks to stay compliant while avoiding hefty fines. AI can automate compliance checks, monitor transactions for regulatory adherence, and ensure that all operations align with current laws and standards. This not only reduces the risk of penalties but also cuts down the time and resources spent on manual compliance processes.

  10. Enhanced User Experience: AI can continuously learn from customer interactions to identify the user experience improvement touchpoints over time. AI could even personalize the interface, content, and services offered to each user. This way banks can ensure a more intuitive, seamless, and enjoyable digital banking experience, which can significantly increase customer satisfaction and engagement.

The Holy Grail of Unanswered Questions

Initially, AI will automate basic processes, but in the future, it will offer a full spectrum of solutions across various sectors, including banking. The most exciting development will be personal AI advisors or agents, similar to those in "Blade Runner 2049," aggregating data from all aspects of life to provide real-time insights and support.

As technology advances, AI's impact will be profound. It will enable ordinary people to make more effective decisions using data-driven insights, transcending the limitations of human brains and rationality. Companies that humanize AI and use its power to solve real problems will lead the future market, creating a new paradigm of digital customer experience.

AI holds the potential to answer fundamental questions we ponder daily: how to keep healthy, cure illnesses, establish wealth or create successful business. Imagine AI as the holy grail, offering answers to these questions. It could predict the consequences of our decisions and provide real-time guidance based on vast data parameters collected from the entire community and analyzed for each specific case.

From a financial perspective, an AI advisor could forecast outcomes of decisions before they are made, preventing failures, irrational behavior, and reduced self-esteem. AI could uncover hidden connections that impact our well-being, using data collected by banks and IoT devices.

For instance, your AI advisor might recommend specific online courses to spark revolutionary ideas or suggest cash flow management steps to reduce stress. It could predict health issues based on your habits and suggest lifestyle changes to prevent them.

While AI's potential is immense, it also has a dark side. People could misuse AI to influence others' opinions and decisions. Managing AI's power responsibly is crucial.


The full potential of AI is beyond measure, and its impact on banking and beyond will be revolutionary. By combining technological advancements with user experience expertise, companies can create a future where AI empowers individuals and transforms industries. The future is near, and it's time to prepare for the AI-driven revolution in finance.



This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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